
HS2 Phase One environmental statement volume 5: ecology

Published 25 November 2013

These documents have been published as part of the HS2 Phase One environmental statement for the route between London and the West Midlands. The environmental statement was produced to accompany the HS2 Phase One hybrid Bill.

This appendix includes:

  • details of bat trapping and radio-tracking work undertaken
  • baseline data for amphibians, reptiles and birds
  • baseline data for designated sites, habitat surveys, and plants
  • baseline data for otters, water voles, hazel dormice and bats
  • baseline data for terrestrial invertebrates, aquatic macro-invertebrates and fish
  • local/parish level ecological effects
  • details of the work undertaken to consider the likely significant environmental effects of Phase One of HS2 on the Chiltern Beechwoods Special Area of Conservation and the South West London Waterbodies Special Protection Area
  • maps illustrating the ecological baseline data

Data reports

These reports are specific to certain community forum areas (CFAs). A map depicting each CFA along the route is available in the Introduction to the environmental statement.

Designated sites, habitat surveys and flora

These reports contain the baseline data from the field survey and desk study associated with designated sites, habitat surveys, and plants:

Amphibians, reptiles and birds

These reports contain the baseline data from the field survey and desk study associated with amphibians, reptiles and birds:


These reports contain the baseline data from the field survey and desk study associated with otter, water vole, hazel dormouse and bats:

Invertebrates and fish

These reports contain the baseline data from the field survey and desk study associated with terrestrial invertebrates, aquatic macro-invertebrates and fish:

Ecology register of local level effects reports

These reports lists the local/parish level ecological effects which are not included in the volume 2 CFA reports:

Bat trapping and radio tracking studies

These reports contain details relating to bat trapping and radio-tracking work undertaken:

Habitat regulations assessment screening reports

These reports present work undertaken to consider the likely significant environmental effects of Phase One of HS2 on European sites designated under the EC Habitats Directive:

Map books

These map books contain 12 map series that illustrate the ecological baseline data:

Further documents are also available: