
Annex B: HPV vaccine coverage data collection

Published 27 July 2021

Adolescent HPV immunisation programme - vaccine coverage collection

The routine human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccine coverage collection for the adolescent programme will not be impacted by the changes announced in this letter.

Dose 1 and dose 2 coverage of HPV vaccine will continue to be evaluated for both males and females in school year 8 (ages 12 to 13 years old) and year 9 (ages 13 to 14 years old) as part of the routine universal programme.

HPV coverage is based on aggregated school level data. The data is entered manually on a secure web platform called ImmForm. Vaccination type is not recorded.

Guidance for the 2020 to 2021 annual survey will be updated and available on GOV.UK

Annual HPV coverage reports are available GOV.UK

MSM HPV immunisation programme - vaccine coverage collection

HPV vaccination uptake collections for the men who have sex with men (MSM) programme will not be significantly impacted by the changes announced in this letter.

Vaccine coverage (uptake and completion) will continue to be evaluated for MSM aged up to and including 45 years attending specialist sexual health services (SSHS) and HIV clinics.

HPV vaccination data for MSM is entered for all attendances via the GUMCAD and HARS mandatory reporting systems for SSHS and HIV clinics, respectively.

Annual reports of HPV vaccination uptake in MSM are available on GOV.UK