Statutory guidance

Children Act 1989: former looked-after children in custody

Statutory guidance for local authorities on children who lose their looked-after status when remanded or sentenced to custody.

Applies to England


Children Act 1989: former looked-after children in custody


This statutory guidance is for local authorities and their staff, including:

  • directors of children’s services
  • lead members in local authorities
  • managers of services for looked-after children
  • front-line managers who have particular responsibilities in relation to looked-after children
  • children’s services social workers
  • managers of youth offending teams and their staff
  • governors, directors and registered managers of establishments in the secure estate

It will also be relevant to partner agencies and to providers of services to looked-after children, including agencies in the private, voluntary and public sectors.

It applies to children who lose their looked-after status on entering custody. This means children who were

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Published 22 November 2010

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