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Plan, prevent and protect webinars

Published 17 April 2024

Applies to England

Being aware of and prepared for the risk that notifiable and new and emerging diseases pose to animals, and maintaining effective biosecurity to protect them has never been more critical.

Find out what you can do to protect the health and welfare of animals you keep or work with from notifiable and reportable diseases (also known as listed diseases) by registering for one of Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs’s (Defra) free ‘Plan, Prevent and Protect’ webinars.

Leading policy officials, epidemiologists and veterinary professionals from Defra and the Animal and Plant Health Agency (APHA) will host these live events.

During the events there will also be an opportunity to ask questions about the rules you need to follow, control measures government may take and biosecurity best practice.

Defra will run bespoke events for topical issues, so register for the relevant webinar.

New webinars will be advertised on this page. You can register to get alerts when this page is updated by selecting the ‘get emails about this page’ button at the top of the page.

Webinars will also be advertised via the APHA’s social media channels on Facebook and X (formerly Twitter).

How to register for a webinar

  1. Choose the webinar you wish to attend from the list in upcoming events.
  2. Select the link for your preferred date and time.
  3. Enter your name and email address, and organisation if applicable.
  4. Click the ‘Register’ link - this will register you for the webinar.

Once registered, you’ll receive a confirmation email with a link to add the webinar to your calendar.

Webinars are free to attend and you can register for as many as you would like.

You do not need to download any software to access the webinar - the link will open in your browser.

Please join your chosen webinar 5 minutes before the start time.

Register for an upcoming webinar

Shows and events

Leading policy officials, epidemiologists and veterinary professionals from Defra and APHA will host 2 live events, which will include an opportunity for attendees to ask questions, on:

Aimed at organisers of agricultural shows and other events where cattle, sheep, pigs, camalids, poultry, other captive birds and other livestock will be present. These webinars will cover what you should consider and prepare for and what actions you must take to protect the health of animals:

  • when planning an agricultural show or event
  • during and after the show or event
  • if a notifiable disease is suspected at the show or event
  • if a notifiable disease is confirmed at the show or event

Bluetongue for veterinary professionals

Leading policy officials, epidemiologists and veterinary professionals from Defra and APHA, and entomologists and virologists from The Pirbright Institute will host this live event, which will include an opportunity for attendees to ask questions, on:

Aimed at veterinary professionals. The webinar will cover bluetongue virus:

  • transmission cycle
  • pathology and pathogenesis
  • clinical signs including an overview of what was clinically seen in the recent BTV-3 cases in The Netherlands
  • control and prevention

Past webinars

Avian influenza (bird flu): ‘stop the spread’ webinars.

Notifiable disease guidance

Further information on the latest situation and biosecurity guidance can be found through our notifiable diseases in animal collection.

Get the latest news about exotic notifiable disease outbreaks from the APHA animal disease alert subscription service.