Survey reveals volunteering increase
Taking Part statistics show growing trend among young adults and BME groups.

Record levels of adults aged 16 to 24 and people in black and ethnic minority (BME) groups volunteered in the last 12 months, figures have shown.
The latest Taking Part survey, published today, revealed nearly three in 10 BME adults volunteered, compared to only two in 10 when the survey began in 2005-06.
Nearly a third of 16 to 24-year-olds in England did some volunteering in the past year, compared to just 24.7% in 2005-06.
Rise in culture engagement
The survey, which collects data on participation in leisure, culture and sport in England, shows 74.6% of adults visited a heritage site in the last year - the highest proportion since the survey began.
There were also increases in the number of adults visiting a museum or gallery and engaging in the arts within the last year.
When it came to sport, the statistics showed more adults are taking part than at any time since the survey began. Nearly half of those questioned said they had participated in at least one session of 30 minutes of moderate intensity sport in the past week.
Taking Part is a continuous annual survey of adults and children living in private households in England and works with Arts Council England, English Heritage and Sport England to collect data.