Press release

PM meeting with President Trump: 20 September 2017

The Prime Minister met with President Trump at the United Nations General Assembly.

This was published under the 2016 to 2019 May Conservative government

A Downing Street spokesperson said:

During a bilateral meeting today, the Prime Minister and President Trump discussed a number of important foreign policy issues, including the Iranian nuclear deal, where the Prime Minister reaffirmed the UK’s strong commitment to the deal, saying it was vitally important for regional security. The Prime Minister stressed that it was important that the deal was carefully monitored and properly enforced. They also discussed the need to counter destabilising Iranian activity in the region.

They also discussed North Korea, agreeing that its recent missile tests were conducted against all standards of international behaviour. They agreed it was vital for the international community to continue to come together to exert maximum economic pressure on the regime, with China playing a key role in that.

The Prime Minister reiterated to the President the importance of Bombardier to the economy of Northern Ireland and the importance of protecting the jobs the company provides.

The Prime Minister and the President also discussed the need for internet companies to behave in a socially responsible way, moving quickly to remove terrorist material and to stop it from appearing in the first place.

The President reiterated the US’s desire for a strong trading relationship with the UK, including a trade deal once Britain leaves the EU. The Prime Minister said that Britain will continue to be a true champion of global free trade.

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Published 21 September 2017