New £1m initiative to boost disability sport
Sport England invests in community sports clubs to make them more inclusive as part of Sainsbury’s Active Kids for All scheme.

Paralympic Gold Medallist Hannah Cockroft and Culture Secretary Maria Miller today joined Sport England CEO Jennie Price and Sainsbury’s CEO Justin King to announce a new initiative to ensure the inclusion of disabled people in community sport.
Sport England’s £1 million National Lottery investment will fund free training courses to help coaches, leaders, carers and parents to develop the skills and confidence to include disabled people in sporting activity.
It extends into community clubs the high quality support commitment for teachers through the Sainsbury’s Active Kids for All scheme, creating a seamless approach for disabled people in school and community sport.
“The Paralympics made the UK think about disability differently and I hope that this is the first of many public/private partnerships aimed at developing disability sport at the grassroots,” said culture Secretary Maria Miller. “I am determined that disabled people of all ages get the chance to play sport, both at school and in community sport clubs.”
Healthier communities
Sainsbury’s and Sport England are also working together to encourage thousands of clubs where disabled people play sport to join the successful Sainsbury’s Active Kids scheme. Signing up means the clubs can benefit from collecting and redeeming vouchers in return for equipment and experiences that help its customers and the community to lead healthier, more active lifestyles.