News story

Foreign Office welcomes announcement of National Dialogue in Yemen

Foreign Office Minister welcomes the announcement of the National Dialogue in Yemen, a crucial stage in Yemen’s political transition.

This was published under the 2010 to 2015 Conservative and Liberal Democrat coalition government
The Foreign Office, King Charles Street: Crown Copyright.

Yesterday members of the UN Security Council, under UK and Moroccan leadership, visited Yemen to reaffirm support to President Hadi as he leads his country through political transition. It was the first visit to Yemen by a Security Council mission and its first visit to the Middle East in five years.

Commenting today, Minister for the Middle East and North Africa, Alistair Burt said:

I welcome news that President Hadi has announced the start of the National Dialogue Conference in Yemen. This is a significant step and marks a crucial stage in Yemen’s political transition. I hope that all sides, including southerners, Houthis, women and youth groups seize this opportunity to participate in the debate. It is only through entering a genuine and serious dialogue that Yemenis can begin to address old grievances, resolve underlying causes of conflict and make preparations for a new constitution. Yemenis must take advantage of this once-in-a-generation chance to create the foundations of a more prosperous, representative and secure Yemen.

I look forward to hearing of the progress the National Dialogue Conference has made at the next Friends of Yemen meeting, which we will be co-hosting with the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and the Republic of Yemen in London on 7 March.

Further Information

UK to host Friends of Yemen meeting in March

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Published 28 January 2013