Press release

FCO Minister visits Tunisia

FCO Minister, Hugh Robertson, visits Tunisia, welcomes progress and pledges continued UK support for the democratic transition.

This was published under the 2010 to 2015 Conservative and Liberal Democrat coalition government
FCO Minister, Hugh Robertson in Medina with the Tourism Minister

FCO Minister, Hugh Robertson in Medina with the Tourism Minister

The Foreign Office Minister for the Middle East and North Africa, Hugh Robertson, said:

I was delighted to visit at a historic moment in Tunisia’s democratic transition.

In my discussions with the Tunisian Foreign Minister and other political leaders, I conveyed my warm congratulations for the impressive progress on the transition, including the adoption of a new democratic Constitution. This Constitution not only embodies the fundamental rights the Tunisian people called for three years ago but also symbolises a spirit of compromise. It provides inspiration and a model for the region and beyond.

During my visit to the Medina in Tunis with the Tourism Minister we discussed the record number of UK tourists and how to boost this in the years ahead.

In my meeting with Prime Minister Mehdi Jomaa, I welcomed the strength of the UK-Tunisia relationship and underlined our desire to develop this further. I reiterated the UK’s commitment, bilaterally and through international fora, to support economic reform and political transition. We also discussed deepening our security cooperation to support a stable and prosperous future for the Tunisian people.

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Published 18 February 2014