News story

‘Be Food Smart’ campaign launches

New campaign exposing the ‘hidden nasties’ in everyday foods launches today.

This was published under the 2010 to 2015 Conservative and Liberal Democrat coalition government

A new campaign from Change4Life exposing the ‘hidden nasties’ in everyday foods and helping people to be ‘food smart’ launches today.

Change4Life have joined forces with a range of food manufacturers and ITV to host the first ever health-focused ad break.

The ‘ad takeover’, which reveals a shocking 17 sugar cubes in a bottle of cola and more than a wine glass of fat in a large pizza, will air for the first time tonight, during Coronation Street, and marks the launch of a new year healthy eating drive.

The unique ad slot is the centrepiece of the campaign that encourages the public to think about the ‘hidden nasties’ in everyday foods so they can better manage the amount of salt, fat and sugar in their diets. It also includes a range of healthy eating tools and information from recipes to money-off vouchers.

Everyone that signs up to the campaign will get a free ‘Food Smart Meal Mixer’ with lots of quick, easy, healthier recipes with enough combinations to eat a different daily menu every day for 6 years.

This year’s campaign features a brand new smart phone and tablet app featuring the meal mixer and a handy shopping list function to help people make healthy choices in the supermarket.

Obesity costs the NHS £5 billion each year with 40,000 people dying of conditions attributable to being overweight or obese. And the latest figures show that the number of children who are overweight or obese doubles during primary school.

To sign up to Change4Life and to get healthy tips search ‘Change4Life’.

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Published 7 January 2013