Alcohol and drug misuse prevention and treatment guidance
Information and other resources to support commissioners, service providers and others providing alcohol and drug interventions.
Healthcare professionals can use these guidance documents, information and resources to help with providing and improving alcohol and drug misuse prevention and treatment services.
Visit Preventing and reducing drug related harm for information and other resources to help alcohol and drug service providers reduce harm and prevent deaths related to substance misuse.
Visit Alcohol and drugs evidence reviews and inquiries for reports on evidence reviews and the outcomes of inquiries around substance misuse, smoking and vaping, and gambling.
Visit Public health in prisons and secure settings for guidance and resources on alcohol and drug treatment in prisons and secure settings.
Visit Alcohol and drug misuse and treatment statistics for reports and datasets on the prevalence and treatment of alcohol and drug misuse treatment in England.
Alcohol and drug treatment guidance
Guidance for commissioners
Drug and alcohol screening and treatment tools
Health and social care professionals should use brief advice tools, such as the NHS alcohol brief advice tool and cannabis health check-up tool, with people whose alcohol or cannabis use is identified as ‘increasing’ or ‘higher risk’ by the ASSIST-Lite screening tool.
Guidance for health and care professionals
Substance misuse and mental health
Alcohol and tobacco use in hospital patients
Workforce development
You can find guidance published by other organisations on the role of social workers and the role of clinical psychologists.
You can also find the results of a national drug and alcohol treatment and recovery workforce census carried out by Health Education England and the NHS Benchmarking Network.
Parental substance misuse
Preventing drug and alcohol problems
Service quality improvement
Opioid substitution treatment: good practice resources
The Best practice in Optimising Opioid Substitution Treatment (BOOST) e-learning programme provides drug treatment and recovery professionals with the information they need to deliver good quality opioid substitution treatment to service users.
Updates to this page
Last updated 26 January 2024 + show all updates
Added 'Community pharmacy: delivering substance misuse services'.
Added a link to the Health Education England drug and alcohol workforce census 2022.
Added 'Substance misuse: providing remote and in-person interventions'.
Added new group: Opioid substitution treatment good practice resources.
Added 'Parents with alcohol and drug problems: support resources', 'Opioid substitution treatment: guide for keyworkers' and 'Opioid substitution treatment: service self-assessment tool'.
Added 'Injectable opioid treatment: commissioning and providing services'.
Added some new groups and publications: "COVID-19: guidance for commissioners and providers of services for people who use drugs or alcohol", "ASSIST-Lite screening tool: how to use", and links to NHS alcohol brief advice tool and cannabis health check-up tool in "Drug and alcohol screening and treatment tools" section.
Added 'Prescribed medicines review: report'.
Added 'Alcohol's harm to others'.
Added publications to new 'Guidance for health and care professionals' section.
Added case studies to new 'Support for substance misuse and mental health problems' section.
Added 'Crack cocaine increase: inquiry findings'.
Added 'Safeguarding children affected by parental alcohol and drug use'.
Added 'Alcohol treatment inquiry: summary of findings'.
Added Fentanyl: safety recommendations for first responders.
Added Continuity of care for prisoners who need substance misuse treatment.
Added Drug health harms: national intelligence.
Added Developing pathways for alcohol treatment.
Added Parental alcohol and drug use: understanding the problem.
Added 'Fentanyl: preparing for a future threat' to the collection.
Created a new group 'Preventing ill health from alcohol misuse' and added publications.
Added Alcohol and drug prevention, treatment and recovery: why invest?
First published.