Foreign travel advice


Entry requirements

This information is for people travelling on a full ‘British citizen’ passport from the UK. It is based on the UK government’s understanding of Turkmenistan’s current rules for the most common types of travel.

The authorities in Turkmenistan set and enforce entry rules. If you’re not sure how these requirements apply to you, contact the Turkmenistan Embassy in the UK.

COVID-19 rules

Many international scheduled commercial flights to and from Turkmenistan have not resumed since the suspension under COVID-19 rules.

Confirm the latest requirements with your Turkmen sponsor, or with the embassy that issued your visa if you have one. Check with your travel company or airline for changes.

You’ll be given a COVID-19 test when you enter Turkmenistan. This costs about 31 US dollars.

If you test positive, you’ll have to quarantine for 7 days in a hospital. You’ll be charged for your stay.

Passport validity requirements

To enter Turkmenistan, your passport must have an ‘expiry date’ more than 6 months after the end-date on your visa.

Check with your travel provider that your passport and other travel documents meet requirements. Renew your passport if you need to.

You will be denied entry if you do not have a valid travel document or try to use a passport that has been reported lost or stolen.

Visa requirements

You will need a visa to enter and travel through Turkmenistan as a visitor. If you have the wrong visa or if you overstay your visa, you could be prosecuted and possibly imprisoned.

Applying for a visa

Contact the Turkmenistan Embassy in London at least a month ahead of your intended travel date.

You need a letter of invitation to support your application. For tourist visits, authorised travel agents can provide these letters. If you are travelling on business , you need letters from relevant government ministries or companies you want to do business with. If you want to attend an exhibition or event, the organiser normally provides visa support.

You should keep your letter of invitation with you when you are in Turkmenistan .

The Turkmenistan Embassy will refer your visa application to Ashgabat for a decision, which can take up to a month. There is an accelerated 24-hour service costing about 150 US dollars.

Transit visas and travelling through Turkmenistan by car

You can use a transit visa if you will be in Turkmenistan for less than 5 days. You cannot change your transit visa to a tourist visa, and you must notify the authorities if you intend to change your route. Border officials may close Turkmen border crossings without notice.

You cannot buy a transit visa at Baku seaport. If you want to travel to Azerbaijan by sea, you need to have visas for both Turkmenistan and Azerbaijan.

You’ll be charged up to 150 US dollars to bring a car into Turkmenistan by land or sea.

Vaccine requirements

For details about medical entry requirements and recommended vaccinations, see TravelHealthPro’s Turkmenistan guide.

Registering with the authorities

If you’re staying for more than 3 days, you must register with the State Migration Service of Turkmenistan within 3 days of your arrival.

In Ashgabat, register at the office at 57 Azadi Street. If you’re not staying in Ashgabat, you should register at the local department office. Ask your hotel manager or employer as they will need to confirm your departure date in writing. In most cases they will register your stay on your behalf. You must provide 2 passport-size photos.

Tourism tax

On arrival, you must pay a migration fee of 14 US dollars. All foreign visitors except diplomats are also charged a ‘tourism tax’ of 2 US dollars for each day of their stay in Turkmenistan. Hotels include the tax as a separate item on your bill.

Customs rules

There are strict rules about goods you can take into or out of Turkmenistan. You must declare anything that may be prohibited or subject to tax or duty.

‘Tobacco products to the amount of 2 packs’ means you can bring one of:

  • 2 packets of cigarettes – a total of 40 cigarettes
  • 2 cigars
  • 2 packs of tobacco each weighing no more than a packet of cigarettes

It is illegal to give tobacco products as a gift. If you are caught, you could be fined.

Taking money into Turkmenistan

Turkmenistan is largely a cash-based society. Carry cash and pay in the national currency, manat. Some larger hotels accept US dollars, but other outlets are only allowed to accept manat. There are harsh penalties for them if they take your payment in other currencies.

You can exchange cash US dollars and euros for manat easily at a bank or money exchange. Bring new, clean notes as exchanges will reject damaged or marked notes. Other currencies are difficult to exchange. Manat cannot be re-converted, so exchange only as much as you need.

There are a limited number of international ATMs in Ashgabat, but they can run out of manat notes. There’s a 3% withdrawal charge for each transaction.