Service Standard

7. Use agile ways of working

Create the service using agile, iterative user-centred methods.

Why it’s important

Using agile methods means getting your service in front of real users as soon as possible. Then observing and generating data on how they use it, and iterating the service based on what you’ve learned.

Because you’re not specifying everything up front before you’ve developed an understanding of what users need, agile methods reduce the risk of delivering the wrong thing.

What it means

Service teams should:

  • use agile ways of working - inspecting, learning and adapting as they go
  • have governance arrangements that are consistent with the agile governance principles and make sure that the right people know what’s happening with the service, at the right level of detail (including, for example, the minister or chief executive)
  • where appropriate and proportionate, test the service with the minister or relevant senior stakeholder

Agile delivery

Governance principles for agile service delivery

Service standard points

1. Understand users and their needs

2. Solve a whole problem for users

3. Provide a joined up experience across all channels

4. Make the service simple to use

5. Make sure everyone can use the service

6. Have a multidisciplinary team

7. Use agile ways of working

8. Iterate and improve frequently

9. Create a secure service which protects users’ privacy

10. Define what success looks like and publish performance data

11. Choose the right tools and technology

12. Make new source code open

13. Use and contribute to open standards, common components and patterns

14. Operate a reliable service

Last update:

Added links to related guidance and other standard points. There is no change to the content of the standard point itself.

  1. Guidance first published