
Call for proposals on Healthcare and Pharmaceutical sector in Vietnam of financial year 17/18 (up to £40,000 – deadline 15 May 2017)

The UK Vietnam Fund is a flexible and effective tool enabling the British Embassy to support projects linked to the UK government’s priorities in Vietnam.

The British Embassy is pleased to announce the call for project proposals focusing on the healthcare and pharmaceutical sector in Vietnam of financial year 2017/18 to achieve:


To enhance access of Vietnamese patients to high quality and safe medicines through supporting Vietnam in implementing the Pharmaceutical Law 2016.


To build on the good UK – Vietnam cooperation in the healthcare/pharmaceutical sector in recent years, we would welcome interested bidders to submit their proposals in support of implementation of the Pharmaceutical Law 2016. Proposals should focus on ideas to enhance the access of Vietnamese patients to high quality and safe medicines under the provisions of this new legislation. Ideas could include but are not limited to the following areas: improving Vietnamese consumers’ knowledge and practice in buying medicines; working with pharmacists and doctors in selling and prescribing drugs safely; working with the Vietnamese authorities to build their capacity to enforce the Pharmaceutical Law 2016.

Bidding information:

Potential bidders should show evidence of positive engagement with the relevant Vietnamese ministry or agency. You are also encouraged to keep in touch with the British Embassy to discuss your proposal before submitting the bid, notably in order to make sure it has fits well with the strategic priorities outlined above. For any inquiry regarding this call, please contact Ms Hang Ngo, Senior Commercial Officer at

The total funding available for this package is up to £40,000. Project activities should be ready to start from June 2017, or as soon thereafter as the grant contract has been signed. The activities should end by January 2018 at the latest. At least 85% of project budget must be spent by 15 Dec 2017.

You are invited to fill in the Project Proposal Form. A full breakdown of costs in an Activity based budget must also be submitted with all proposals and following the expenditure rules set out in UN-EU cost norm 2015. Proposals with a value of less than £5,000 are not eligible.

Bids should be submitted by email to: Ms Hoang Hong Hanh - Programmes and Projects Coordinator at by 15 May 2017 at the latest.

Bid result will be notified during the week commencing 29 May 2017.

If successful bidder is government, not for profit organisation, NGOs and civil society, we will sign a standard grant contract. For businesses, this might be in the form of commercial contract. The clauses in the commercial contract and grant contract are by default, not negotiable and exceptions are seldom approved. Sample contracts are for your reference. Please ensure that you read and are happy with their terms before applying for funds.

Please find related forms and documents here.

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Published 13 April 2017

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