
Apply to file with Companies House using software

Use this service to apply for a presenter account to file company accounts and documents with Companies House using software.

You can only use a presenter account to file company accounts and documents that do not have a filing fee.

You’ll need to:

  • sign in or create an account
  • give a name and correspondence address for the account
  • give the name, or the company number of the business you work for

It takes around 5 minutes to apply.

Start now

Read advice from AbilityNet on how to adapt your device to meet your needs. For example, changing the background colour or text size.

What to do if you’ve lost your presenter account details

Use this service to submit an application. We’ll send you new account details.

Contact us if you have any questions about your account.

Filing documents with a fee or charge (mortgage) documents

If you need to file documents with a fee using software, you must apply for a Companies House credit account.

If you need to file charge (mortgage) documents for other companies, you must register as a lender.

Updates to this page

Published 3 June 2024
Last updated 23 September 2024 + show all updates
  1. New content added to the service. Users need to give the name of the business or the company number if registered with Companies House.

  2. First published.

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