Written statement to Parliament

UK Support to the Special Tribunal for Lebanon

The Foreign Secretary William Hague has updated Parliament on the UK's contribution to the Special Tribunal for Lebanon.

This was published under the 2010 to 2015 Conservative and Liberal Democrat coalition government
The Rt Hon William Hague

The Foreign Secretary William Hague:

I am pleased to announce that the UK intends to make a voluntary contribution of £1 million to the Special Tribunal for Lebanon (STL).

The UK is committed to supporting security, stability and justice for the people of Lebanon. This contribution to the Special Tribunal for Lebanon is a signal of our steadfast support for its work to end the climate of impunity for political assassinations in Lebanon. The Minister of State for the Middle East, Rt Hon Hugh Robertson MP, is in Lebanon this week to reinforce these points.

International justice is central to foreign policy. It is essential for securing the rights of individuals and states, and for securing peace and reconciliation. Through the International Criminal Court, and the separate international tribunals, we are working to make clear that those responsible for the most serious crimes will be held to account. Our support to the institutions of international justice is an important part of our efforts to reduce conflict and promote stability worldwide.

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Published 10 December 2013