Written statement to Parliament

Review of the Office of the Commissioner for Public Appointments

Matt Hancock laid a written statement in Parliament on the review of the Office of the Commissioner for Public Appointments

This was published under the 2015 to 2016 Cameron Conservative government
The Rt Hon Matt Hancock

I announced on 2 July 2015 that the government had asked Sir Gerry Grimstone to lead a review of the public appointments system. I am now pleased to announce the completion of the review.

The role of Commissioner for Public Appointments was established in 1995 following a recommendation made by Lord Nolan and his Committee on Standards in Public Life. Lord Nolan also recommended Seven principles of public life, which have been adopted throughout public life, including in public appointments.

The government agrees with the emphasis Sir Gerry places on the original conclusions reached by Lord Nolan in 1995 that ministers should be at the heart of the public appointments system and that ultimate choice, responsibility and accountability for making appointments should rest with ministers.

Lord Nolan’s principles have stood the test of time and are as applicable today as they were 20 years ago. This is reflected in Sir Gerry’s updated principles for public appointments which will be known as the ‘Public Appointments Principles’.

The government welcomes the review and thanks Sir Gerry for his work.

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Published 11 March 2016