Written statement to Parliament

Equal civil marriage consultation

This written ministerial statement on the equal civil marriage consultation was laid on 15 March 2012.

This was published under the 2010 to 2015 Conservative and Liberal Democrat coalition government
The Rt Hon Lynne Featherstone

This written ministerial statement was laid in the House of Commons by Lynne Featherstone, and in the House of Lords by Baroness Verma.

The Government is today launching a consultation on how to introduce equal civil marriage.

During a listening exercise conducted in 2010 on allowing civil partnerships to take place on religious premises, we heard representations from many who sought equal access to marriage for same-sex couples. It was argued by some that having two separate provisions for same-sex and opposite-sex couples perpetuates misconceptions and discrimination.

We recognise that the personal commitment made by same-sex couples when they enter into a civil partnership is no different to the commitment made by opposite-sex couples when they enter into a marriage. We do not think that the ban on same-sex couples getting married should continue.

That is why we are, today, launching this consultation to seek the public’s views on how we can remove the ban on same-sex couples getting a civil marriage. We are clear that no changes will be made to how religious organisations define and solemnize religious marriages and we are clear that we will retain civil partnerships for same-sex couples.

Copies of the consultation document are being placed in the House Library.

Date: Thu Mar 15 09:59:31 GMT 2012

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Published 15 March 2012