Written statement to Parliament

Domestic violence and abuse: thematic review of the police response across England and Wales

Written ministerial statement: domestic violence and abuse: thematic review of the police response across England and Wales

This was published under the 2010 to 2015 Conservative and Liberal Democrat coalition government
The Rt Hon Theresa May

The Secretary of State for the Home Department (Theresa May): Tackling domestic violence and abuse is one of my key priorities. I am determined to see continued reductions in domestic violence and abuse and the Government’s updated Violence against Women and Girls (VAWG) Action Plan sets out our approach for achieving that.

The police play a key role in responding to, and protecting, victims of domestic violence and abuse. It is therefore essential that the police response is effective and has the confidence of victims.

I have written to Her Majesty’s Chief Inspector of Constabulary to ask that he conducts a thematic review of the police response to domestic violence and abuse across England and Wales.

I have asked that the review focuses on:

  • the effectiveness of the police approach to domestic violence and abuse, focusing on the outcomes for victims;

  • whether risks to victims of domestic violence and abuse are adequately managed;

  • identifying lessons learnt from how the police approach domestic violence and abuse;

  • making any necessary recommendations in relation to these findings when considered alongside current practice.

I have asked that the inspection is completed and that the findings in respect of the above are published no later than April 2014.

A copy of the letter will be placed in the Library of the House.

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Published 6 September 2013