
Your child maintenance arrangement (You can view online)

Published 12 August 2019

Most children benefit from having both parents or guardians involved in their lives in a positive way, whether they live with them or not. Parents can help to do this by working together with their children’s long-term interests at heart.

Child maintenance is support to help pay for your children’s everyday living costs when you are separated from the other parent.

How this form can be useful

This arrangement form can help you work together to make sure your children receive as much support as possible. Use it to write down what you have both agreed so you have a record of how much child maintenance one parent will pay.

If you need help working out the amount of maintenance to pay, you can use the child maintenance calculator on GOV.UK.

Your children and what you have both agreed

Write down:

  • your children’s full names
  • how much have you agreed to pay?
  • who will pay this?
  • how often will payments be made?
  • when will payments be made?
  • how will payments be made?
  • will the amount or payment date change to help with extra expenses – for example, birthdays or school trips?
  • when the amount or payment date will change

Other support you have both agreed to

This might include things like arranging childcare, paying for school uniforms or social activities.

Write down:

  • what is included?
  • how much will be paid?
  • how often will it be paid?

Your promise

You have both read this arrangement and agreed to it. By signing it, you promise to keep to the arrangement on behalf of your children. If either of you is unable to keep to this arrangement, for any reason, you agree to let the other parent know straight away.

Yes, I agree to this arrangement


Yes, I agree to this arrangement


This is not a legal document, but signing this arrangement is a clear statement of your commitment to your children.

If your circumstances change

Things may change over time, so you might want to agree a date now to talk to each other and review your arrangement together – perhaps every 6 months.

How often you do this will depend on both your circumstances – for example, if there are changes to your employment, relationships or living arrangements.

Write down a date for when do you want to review this arrangement.

How to make or receive payments

There are different ways of making and receiving the payments – for example, a standing order from a bank account, a cheque or cash.

Most parents find it helpful to keep a record of payments paid and received. A standing order is best for making sure that payments are made in full and on time, and are recorded on your bank statement.

Keeping a written record

Whatever you both agree, it is important that you both write it down so there is no confusion.

You are both responsible for the costs of raising your children, even if one parent does not see them. This arrangement is not legally binding, but signing it is a way of showing your commitment to your children.

If your arrangement stops working

If your child maintenance arrangement stops working, perhaps because payments cannot be made or received, talk to each other straight away.

You could also ask a professional family mediator to help you. Read more information about family mediation.