
Abdominal aortic aneurysm screening: KPI and standards data submission 2018 to 2019

Updated 24 May 2018

This guidance was withdrawn on

1. Key performance indicators

1.1 Timescales

Q1 (1 April to 30 June)
Time for sense checking and return: 1 September to 30 September

Q2 (1 July to 30 September)
Time for sense checking and return: 1 December to 31 December

Q3 (1 October to 31 December)
Time for sense checking and return: 1 March to 31 March

Q4 (1 January to 31 March)
Time for sense checking and return: 1 June to 30 June

1.2 KPI review and sign off

The Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm (AAA) Programme is responsible for extracting the key performance indicator (KPI data) from SMaRT (screening management and referral tracking - a national IT system). KPI AA2 is reported cumulatively across the screening year whereas AA3 and AA4 are reported by individual quarters.

  1. The programme will email the KPI numerator, denominator and percentage to each programme co-ordinator or manager to review and sign off. We will copy it to the screening quality assurance service (SQAS) regional offices for information. If the local screening provider does not raise any concerns regarding the data by the end of the submission window the programme will assume the data is accurate. Guidance for checking AA2 (standard 2a) can be found in the guidance for validating the pathway standards. For AA3 and AA4, the programme will provide screening services with a line list of surveillance appointments due, to aid the validation. Men who are not conclusively tested within the relevant time frames should be reported using the AAA exception report (available to services via email).
  2. Concerns regarding data quality should be emailed to the AAA programme at
  3. Once any data quality issues are resolved the programme will amend the data in the national submission as necessary.
  4. The AAA programme will email the data to the national KPI screening data and information manager at the close of the submission window. Local screening providers should share their KPI data with their commissioners and screening and immunisation team as soon as it has been signed off.

Only complete data is published. Data is not usually published if the numerator or denominator is less than 5 for an individual quarter. In such cases, the data will be aggregated and published annually. PHE Screening shares KPI data with NHS England before publication.

2. Quarterly pathway standards report

2.1 Timescales

Q1 (to 30 June)
Run date: 10 July 2018
Time for sense checking and return: 10 July to 31 July 2018

Q2 (to 30 September)
Run date: 9 October 2018
Time for sense checking and return: 9 October to 31 October 2018

Q3 (to 31 December)
Run date: 8 January 2019
Time for sense checking and return: 8 January to 29 January 2019

Q4 (to 31 March)
Run date: 9 April 2019
Time for sense checking and return: 9 April to 30 April 2019

2.2 Quarterly standards review and sign off

The AAA programme produces these reports for each local screening provider on a quarterly basis. The majority of standards are reported cumulatively across the screening. The surveillance standards are reported for individual quarters. Data is extracted from the pathway standards data in SMaRT.

  1. The programme will upload the pathway standards reports onto SMaRT for local screening providers to review in the second week after the end of the reporting quarter. Please note that due to data sharing restrictions, local screening providers will only be able to see their own and national level data. If the programme co-ordinator or manager does not raise any concerns within 3 weeks then the programme will assume the data is accurate. Local screening providers should check the data as soon as possible after it is sent as the data will change on a daily basis. This will minimise differences due to the day on which the queries are run. The programme will make a copy of the initial reports to SQAS regional offices.
  2. Concerns regarding data quality should be emailed to the AAA programme at Concerns will be resolved between the local screening provider, SQAS (regions), the AAA programme and software supplier as appropriate.
  3. As SMaRT is a live system it is not possible to extract the data for the report again as there may have been significant changes to the underlying data in each programme. However, updated figures will be available in subsequent reports.
  4. PHE Screening will make the validated report available to the AAA programme and to SQAS regional offices. The data will also be shared with NHS England analystics under the memorandum of understanding.

The pathway standards report should be used for programme board meetings and to inform discussions between the local screening providers and SQAS (regions). It should be noted that the data in the quarterly pathway standards reports will be provisional, and only contains information that can be extracted from SMaRT. Local screening providers are responsible for disseminating the report to commissioners and the screening and immunisation team. We encourage local screening providers to share their report as soon as it is signed off.

3. Annual pathway standards report

The AAA programme is responsible for extracting the pathway standards data from SMaRT in the form of a report. The annual pathway standards report is the finalised data for the screening year. The data is extracted 3 months after the end of the last quarter to allow for completed information on testing and referrals. Local screening providers receive a quarter 4 report in April. They should use the time between this and the extraction of annual data in July to ensure their data for the year is accurate and complete.

  1. The programme will email the report to the local screening provider to review and validate where possible (using national guidance), and copy to SQAS regional offices. Local screening providers have 3 weeks to respond. If no concerns are raised within 3 weeks the programme will assume the data is accurate.
  2. Concerns regarding data quality should be emailed to Any concerns will be resolved between supplier, local screening provider, SQAS (regions) and the AAA programme as appropriate.
  3. Once data quality issues are resolved the data will be extracted from SMaRT again and the report updated so that changes are reflected.

The programme will email finalised reports to the programme co-ordinator or manager and relevant SQAS regional office. It is the responsibility of the local screening provider to disseminate the report to commissioners and the screening and immunisation team. We encourage local screening providers to share their report as soon as it is signed off. The annual pathway standards reports can be used to support the quality assurance visits and programme board meetings.

4. Waiting times for treatment tracker

4.1 Timescales

Q1 (to 30 June)
Deadline for updating SMaRT: 31 August 2018
Run date: 4 September 2018
Time for sense checking and return: 4 to 11 September

Q2 (to 30 September)
Deadline for updating SMaRT: 30 November 2018
Run date: 4 December 2018
Time for sense checking and return: 4 to 11 December 2018

Q3 (to 31 December)
Deadline for updating SMaRT: 1 March 2019
Run date: 5 March 2019
Time for sense checking and return: 5 to 12 March 2019

Q4 (to 31 March)
Deadline for updating SMaRT: 31 May 2019
Run date: 4 June 2019
Time for sense checking and return: 4 to 11 June 2019

The trackers are run on the first Tuesday 3 months after the end of the quarter. This ensures that local screening providers have 3 months to complete information on referrals made each quarter. The reports are run on Tuesdays following a weekly update of the database. Screening providers need to enter data by close of play on the Friday preceding the running of the reports to ensure that the snapshot of the database includes the most up to date data. The data reported is cumulative across the screening year.

  1. Local screening providers should ensure that records for men referred to surgery are kept as up to date as possible. Delays for attendance at specialist assessments and for surgery should be recorded when the information becomes available to the service. Guidance on the completing the relevant sections of SMaRT is available in the ‘AAA SMaRT user release notes v9.1’ in the support section of SMaRT.
  2. The AAA programme will email the programme coordinator or manager on the date that the tracker reports are available in the report section of SMaRT.
  3. The programme coordinator or manager will have one week to review the data in the report against local information. If any discrepancies are identified they should amend the record in SMaRT accordingly. The change in SMaRT will be captured for subsequent reports. The programme coordinator or manager should also amend an Excel version of the tracker report and send this to their regional SQAS office and the AAA programme (see email addresses below). If there are no amendments needed, the original version of the file should be sent to relevant SQAS regional office and the AAA programme stating that no changes have been made. The latest date for sending reports is on the last day of the service validation period.
  4. Upon receipt of the tracker report SQAS (regions) and the AAA programme will review the figures and speak with local screening providers if there are queries regarding the information.

5. Contact details

Email addresses for regional SQAS offices:

Send data submissions to the AAA programme at: