
UK Trade Tariff: quantity codes

Published 1 January 2009

If you are making a declaration using the Customs Declaration Service (CDS) follow the guidance in the UK Trade Tariff: volume 3 for CDS.

1. Weight

Measurement Code
Ounce 11
Pound 12
Cental (100lb) 13
Cwt 14
1,000lb 15
Ton 16
Oz Troy 17
Lb Troy 18
Gramme 21
Hectogramme (100 gms) 22
Kilogramme 23
100 kgs 24
Tonne 25
Metric Carat 26
50 kgs 27

2. Gross weight

Measurement Code
Pound gross 60
Kilogramme gross 61
Quintal (100 kgs) gross 62

3. Unit

Measurement Code
Number 30
Pair 31
Dozen 32
Dozen Pair 33
Hundred 34
Long Hundred 35
Gross 36
Thousand 37
Short Standard 38

4. Area

Measurement Code
Square inch 41
Square foot 42
Square yard 43
Square decimetre 44
Square metre 45
100 square metres 46

5. Length

Measurement Code
Inch 50
Foot 51
Yard 52
100 feet 53
Millimetre 54
Centimetre 55
Decimetre 56
Metre 57
Dekametre 58
Hectometre 59

6. Capacity

Measurement Code
Pint 71
Gallon 72
36 gallons (Bulk barrel) 73
Millilitre (cu centimetre) 74
Centilitre 75
Litre 76
Dekalitre 77
Hectolitre 78
US Gallon 79
1000 litre 40

7. Volume

Measurement Code
Cubic inch 81
Cubic foot 82
Cubic yard 83
Standard 84
Piled cubic fathom 85
Cubic decimetre 86
Cubic metre 87
Piled cubic metre 88
Gram fissile isotopes 89

8. Various

Measurement Code
Kilogramme of H2O2 29
Kilogramme of K2O 01
Kilogramme of KOH 02
Kilogramme of N 03
Kilogramme of NaOH 04
Kilogramme of P2O5 05
Kilogramme of U 06
Kilogramme of WO3 07
Number of flasks 08
Number of kits 09
Number of rolls 10
Number of sets 19
100 packs 20
1000 tablets 28
100 kilogram net dry matter 48
100 kilogram drained net weight 49
Kilogram of choline chloride 107
Kilogram of methyl amines 39
Kilogramme of total alcohol 63
CCT carrying capacity in Tonnes (metric) shipping 64
Gram (fine gold content) 65
Litre of alcohol 66
Litre of alcohol in the spirit 66
Litre of pure 100% alcohol 66
Kilogramme 90% dry 67
90% tonne dry 68
Kilogramme drained net weight 69
Standard litre (of hydrocarbon oil) 70
1000 cubic metres 80
Curie 90
Proof gallon 91
Displacement tonnage 92
Gross tonnage 93
100 international units 94
Million international units potency 95
Kilowatt 96
Kilowatt hour 97
Alcohol by Volume (ABV%) Beer 98
Degrees (Percentage Volume) 99
TJ (gross calorific value) 120
Euro per tonne of fuel 112
Euro per tonne net of biodiesel content 113
Kilometres 114
Euro per tonne net of bioethanol content 115
Number of watt 117
Kilogram Raw Sugar 118
KAC: (KG net of Acesulfame Potassium) 119