
Registering HIV-infected healthcare workers to perform EPPs

How to register HIV-infected healthcare workers performing exposure prone procedures (EPPs) on the UKAP occupational health register (OHR).

This publication was withdrawn on

This form is out of date. For current information see UK Advisory Panel for Healthcare Workers Infected with Bloodborne Viruses (UKAP).


[Withdrawn] UKAP-OHR registration form


Healthcare workers in the UK with HIV who wish to perform exposure prone procedures (EPPs) need to be registered on the UK Advisory Panel (UKAP) occupational health monitoring register of bloodborne virus (BBV) infected healthcare workers.

Details of monitoring arrangements can be found in the integrated guidance for the health clearance of healthcare workers and the management of healthcare workers infected with bloodborne viruses.

Registering new healthcare workers

  • occupational health services should complete this UKAP-OHR registration form.

Registered healthcare workers

  • occupational health services must monitor registered healthcare workers who wish to continue practicing EPPs
  • results of this monitoring are reported on a separate UKAP-OHR follow up form
  • the UKAP-OHR coordinator will send details of monitoring requirements and a copy of the follow up form to occupational health services

For queries about the register, please contact the UKAP-OHR coordinator at (not for personal identifiable information (PII)).

For sending completed registration forms and other PII, please email (from an account).

For any other questions please telephone 0208 327 7553.

Published 1 April 2014