Independent report

National Transport Model (NTMv2R): peer review

Model review performed by independent transport experts to provide assurance on the National Transport Model (NTMv2R) update process.

Applies to England, Scotland and Wales


National Transport Model (NTMv2R): Peer Review

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This model review was performed by independent transport experts John Bates, Ian Williams and Andrew Stoneman.

It was commissioned by the Department for Transport (DfT) to provide independent assurance on the entire NTMv2R model update process, covering:

  • the use of data
  • the model calibration
  • the quality assurance environment
  • based on the analysis included in the analytical review report, its resulting fitness for purpose as a road traffic forecasting tool

This report is also being published alongside an analytical review and a detailed overview of the model’s structure and its recent update.

About the National Transport Model

Our National Transport Model (NTM) – a multi-modal model of land-based transport in Great Britain – was first developed in 2001 and since then its data and assumptions have been updated regularly.

The NTM enables the DfT to estimate the impact of transport policies or forecasting assumptions on key travel indicators such as levels of traffic, congestion and vehicle emissions.

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Published 14 December 2020

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