Policy paper

Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) between the Department of Telecommunications, Government of the Republic of India and the Department for Digital, Culture, Media & Sport of the United Kingdom on Cooperation in the Field of Telecommunications/ ICT

Published 21 April 2022

This was published under the 2019 to 2022 Johnson Conservative government

The Department for Digital, Culture, Media & Sport of the United Kingdom (UK) and the Department of Telecommunications (DoT), Government of the Republic of India (hereinafter referred to as the “Parties”);

CONSIDERING that the development of Telecommunications/ Information and Communication Technology (ICT) is an important contributor in trade; as well the economic and social development of each country,

CONFIRMING the desirability of mutual cooperation for the development of state-of-the-art Telecommunications/ ICT services, the modernisation of Telecommunications/ ICT networks in both countries and the expansion and development of Telecommunications/ ICT services between the two countries,

DESIRING to develop and deepen mutually beneficial cooperation in the field of Telecommunications/ ICT, and

NOTING the deliberations held in the India-UK Joint Working Group (JWG) on Trade between Department for International Trade (DIT) of UK and Department of Commerce (DoC) of Republic of India, aimed at resolving issues related to mutually agreed domains and aspects of trade and addressing other issues of mutual interest,

Have reached the following understanding:

Article 1 - Basic principles

The Parties hereby confirm their intention to promote closer cooperation and the exchange of information relating to the Telecommunications/ Information and Communication Technology (ICT) sector in accordance with the relevant laws and regulations of each country and this MoU on the basis of equality, reciprocity and mutual benefit, subject to the aims, plans and priorities of each country.

Article 2 - Scope of cooperation

The Parties have identified the following areas of common interest for cooperation in:

  • (a) Telecommunications/ ICT policy and regulation;
  • (b) Spectrum Management;
  • (c) Telecommunication connectivity including mobile roaming;
  • (d) Telecommunications/ ICT technical standardizations and testing & certification;
  • (e) Wireless Communications;
  • (f) Technological development in Telecommunications/ ICT including 5G, IoT/ M2M, Cloud Computing, Big Data etc.;
  • (g) Security of Telecommunication Infrastructure, Security in the provision and use of telecommunication services;
  • Building capacity in high technology areas and exchange of expertise wherever possible;
  • (i) Collaboration and Sharing of information on Research & Development on emerging technologies and innovation where appropriate;
  • Exploring opportunities for joint work in signatory countries and third countries on Telecommunications/ ICT;
  • Facilitating trade, investment and technology activities through Telecommunication/ ICT industry delegations and visits, events, exhibitions etc. as mutually agreed; and
  • (l) Other forms of cooperation in Telecommunications/ ICT as mutually agreed upon by the Parties, falling within the scope of this MoU.

Article 3 - Activities of cooperation

Activities for cooperation, falling within the scope of Article 2, may take the following forms:

  • (a) Facilitation of joint research and studies;
  • (b) Exchange of information, for example in areas of security, innovation, emerging and new technologies through conference, visits, seminars and webinars etc.
  • (c) Establishment of Centres of Excellence and Security Test Labs;
  • (d) Capacity building;
  • (e) Exploring new activities of cooperation and any other forms of cooperation agreed upon by the Parties, in the field of Telecommunications/ ICTs, including interalia:
  • IoT/ M2M
  • 5G
  • Artificial Intelligence
  • Big Data
  • Cloud Computing

Article 4 - Joint working group

1. The Parties will form a Joint Working Group (JWG) which will prepare a “Plan of Action” and will identify activities for cooperation to be carried out under this MoU and review progress thereof.

2. Trade related issues in the Telecommunications and ICT sectors, raised in the UK-India Joint Working Group on Trade, and its follow up dialogues between the Department for International Trade (DIT) of UK and the Department of Commerce (DoC) of Republic of India may be taken for consideration in the JWG as relevant.

Article 5 - Ways of cooperation

1. All activities of cooperation under Article 2, 3 and 4 of this MoU will be conducted in accordance with the applicable laws and regulations of each country, subject to each country’s plans and priorities.

2. All activities of cooperation under Article 2, 3 and 4 of this MoU will be subject to the availability of funds and other resources of the Parties. The cost of activities of cooperation will be shared by the Parties in a manner to be mutually agreed upon.

3. The Parties will enter into separate MoU for the implementation of agreed activities of cooperation, which shall, among others, specify the way costs will be borne.

Article 6 - Rights and obligations

This MoU is an expression of interest to explore collaboration and shall not be legally binding and shall not be construed as creating enforceable obligations. This MoU will not affect the rights and obligations of the Parties deriving from Bilateral and Multilateral Agreements to which each country is party to.

Article 7 - Release of information

Neither Party will disclose nor distribute to any third country information transmitted by the other Party in the process of activities of cooperation under this MoU, except as and to the extent authorised in writing to do so by that other Party, unless that information was both legally in the possession of the first said party before such transmission and could be legally shared.

Article 8 - Amendments

This MoU may be amended by the mutual written consent of the Parties.

Article 9 - Dispute settlement

Any dispute arising between the Parties concerning the interpretation and/ or implementation of this MoU will be settled amicably through mutual consultations between the Parties.

Article 10 - Validity

This MoU will come into effect from the date of its signing and will remain in force for a period of five (5) years. Thereafter, this MoU may automatically be extended for a further period of 5 years unless either party gives notice of termination prior to the completion of the 5 years period. This MoU can be terminated by either Party at any point of time by giving three (3) months prior notice in writing to the other Party.