Independent report

Making prevention everyone’s business

Professor John Deanfield’s vision for a modern, personalised heart health prevention service.

Applies to England



This report sets out the recommendations of Professor John Deanfield, CBE, for a more ambitious prevention service, undertaken in his role as the inaugural Government Champion for Personalised Prevention between March 2023 and March 2024.

Professor Deanfield presents digital technologies as the key to delivering personalised prevention at scale and recommends that the government commit to the creation of a ‘digital-first National Prevention Service’, delivered through a new ‘one-stop shop’ digital health and wellness portal accessed through the NHS App. 

Alongside the new digital service, Professor Deanfield recommends:

  • moving prevention services, such as blood pressure checking, out of traditional healthcare settings and into the places people live, work and socialise, so we normalise prevention as part of everyday life

  • creating an environment in which the testing and adoption of medical innovations for prevention is encouraged and enabled, meaning everyone can benefit from the latest

Published 24 May 2024