Policy paper

Lord Pickles Alderney expert review

Findings of the review that Lord Pickles commissioned into the evidence on how many prisoners died in the Channel Island of Alderney during its Nazi occupation.


Lord Pickles Alderney expert review


The UK Special Envoy for Post Holocaust Issues Lord Pickles announced the findings of this review.

Under the Nazi occupation from 1941 to 1945, crimes were committed against forced and slave labourers who were brought to Alderney to build fortifications for the German war effort. Based in camps that shared many of the traits of those in mainland Europe, these labourers lived and worked in atrocious conditions, and some were killed. 

Lord Pickles commissioned the review in July 2023. It investigated the evidence around the number of those who died during the Nazi occupation in Alderney.

Published 22 May 2024