FOI release

Information on schools converting to academy status

Details of the number of schools in England converting to academies.



  • Date requested: 25 April 2013
  • Date responded: 17 May 2013


List of schools in England that have applied successfully to become academies, also include the date at which point the school will become an academy and the main sponsors details.


Current information about schools becoming academies is available online and lists all open academies in England in the open academies spreadsheet.

There also 2 versions of the publication list spreadsheet:

  • 1 for converter academies
  • 1 for sponsored academies

On the converter academy spreadsheet, is a list of schools that have formally applied to academy status.

On the sponsored academy spreadsheet, is a list of schools in the process of becoming sponsored academies and details of their progress towards opening.

The department does not currently publish proposed opening dates for converter academies.

Published 9 January 2014