Independent report

Independent review of Border Force

Independent review of Border Force by Alexander Downer, commissioned by The Rt Hon Priti Patel MP, Secretary of State for the Home Department.


An independent review of Border Force

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Mr Downer has recommended that Border Force make the following improvements in order to deliver the UK’s border 2025 ambitions.

  1. A clear identity for Border Force – a single unified workforce reinforced by a training academy and career path to professionalise the role of a Border Force Officer and make Border Force an attractive employer, similar to the police or army.

  2. To be supported by better system leadership from the Home Office and other parts of government for which Border Force delivers, giving the organisation a clear mandate, clear priorities and targets. A stronger voice for Border Force within the Home Office, along with increased accountability.

  3. Better workforce planning and a proper understanding of the capabilities which Border Force need, including consistent standards and operating procedures across different ports allowing better planning for procurement so that the right number of people are in the correct locations with the equipment they need.

  4. Establish meaningful partnership working with industry built on trust, enabling joint working on border policy development and the implementation of technology at a strategic level and better information sharing and at a tactical level.

  5. A stronger sense of purpose, professionalism, team, skills and planning to allow Border Force to face challenges on the front foot, such as Heathrow passenger queues and small boats, rather than these challenges impacting the capability of the whole organisation.

Read the Independent review of Border Force: terms of reference.

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Published 20 July 2022

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