Research and analysis

General outbreaks of foodborne illness in humans, England and Wales: weeks 49 to 52, 2014: NIL RETURN FROM EFOSS: NO PUBLICATION

Updated 12 December 2014

Preliminary information has been received about the following outbreaks.

PHE Centre / HPT Organism Location of food prepared or served Month of outbreak Number ill Cases positive Suspect vehicle Evidence
1.CENTRE X Organism Y Location Z Month No. ILL +ves Vehicle Evidence

M = Microbiological evidence: detection of a causative agent in a food vehicle or its component or in the food chain or its environment combined with detection in human cases, or clinical symptoms and an onset of illness in outbreak cases compatible with / pathognomonic to the causative agent identified in the food vehicle or its component or in the food chain or its environment. D = Descriptive epidemiological evidence: suspicion of a food vehicle in an outbreak based on the identification of common food exposures, from the systematic evaluation of cases and their characteristics and food histories over the likely incubation period by standardised means (such as standard questionnaires) from all, or an appropriate subset of, cases. A = Analytical epidemiological evidence: a statistically significant association between consumption of a food vehicle and being a case in an outbreak demonstrated by studies such as a cohort study, a case-control study or similar studies.

Published in Health Protection Report volume X issue Y.