
eAlert: 15 July 2021 - England Woodland Creation Offer series

Published 22 July 2021

Applies to England

1. 15 July 2021

The fifth in our series focusing on Additional Contributions for the England Woodland Creation Offer (EWCO).

2. Why should you plant trees using the England Woodland Creation Offer?

2.1 In addition to covering the standard capital costs of tree planting (up to a cap of £8,500 per hectare), and annual maintenance payments of £200 per hectare for 10 years, follow our series in upcoming eAlerts to find out more about the Additional Contributions that you could apply for. These Additional Contributions are optional and can be combined.

This week we focus on £500 per hectare for woodlands that help reduce the risk of flooding.

3. Choose to help Reduce Flood Risk - £500/ha 

3.1 Available where areas of appropriately designed new woodland in the right location can help reduce the risk of flooding.

This Additional Contribution will be awarded on the following basis:

  • Spatial targeting: Proposed woodland must touch either a High Priority (floodplain) or Lower Priority (wider catchment) in the ‘Water – Flood Risk’ layer on the Forestry Commission’s map browser and Land Information Search. If your proposal is not within this spatial area, confirmation of a benefit from the local flood authority or Catchment Sensitive Farming Officers will be accepted.
  • Species mix: UK Forestry Standard compliance with no one species being more than 50% of the mixture. Broadleaf or conifer species are effective, with broadleaves along watercourses (see the riparian buffers Additional Contribution).
  • Stocking density: Minimum of 2,250 stems per hectare. Higher stocking and lower levels of open space away from the watercourses recommended to increase hydraulic roughness and water infiltration. Denser final woodland structure supports slope stability and reduces riverbank erosion.
  • Ground preparation: No pre-planting drainage or land preparation work that creates new ditches or drains, or that would increase drainage to an existing watercourse, including sub-soil drainage.

4. Introduction to the England Woodland Creation Offer

4.1 Missed our recent EWCO webinar? You can catch up on YouTube.

A recording of the live webinar held on the 6 July introducing the new England Woodland Creation Offer.

5. Are you a farmer, land owner or do you support business decisions for farmers or land owners?

5.1 Then you could help the Advice team at Defra in some advice discovery work.

The Advice team at Defra are currently in the process of planning research to understand how various types of users access advice. Findings from this research will provide an understanding of the problems with the current advice offering, clarify what advice is needed, and provide considerations on how this could be delivered. As part of this research, we are interested in speaking to individuals who are located in England and are current farmers, land managers, or people who support significant business decisions for a specific farmer or land manager. They are also interested in talking to those working in an ‘Adviser’ role in the land management sector for at least 1 year.

Participation will involve an initial questionnaire to determine eligibility in the study (this will be emailed to you), followed by a 1h telephone or video call at a time of your choice over the next four weeks. If you are interested in taking part, we would love to hear from you! Please contact Laura Wood before 30 July 2021 for further details.

6. Funding for tree nurseries that supply trees to Scotland

6.1 Apply for the Harvesting and Processing grant.

This funding from Defra and the Scottish Government looks to support tree nurseries in England who supply trees to Scotland. It is part of the national effort as part of the Nature for Climate fund to plant more trees.

Tree nurseries in England can use the funding to go towards seed trays, seed storage and sowing equipment, poly tunnels, cold storage facilities and irrigation systems. Adaptations to vehicles, machinery and premises to allow tree nurseries to continue safely under COVID-19 are also supported.

A second application window is now open from 12 July – 31 August 2021. Find out if you’re eligible for the Harvesting and Processing Grant and how to apply.

7. Urban Tree Challenge Fund

7.1 Find out how the Urban Tree Challenge Fund is helping local communities in our video, apply by 25 July 2021 and find out more on GOV.UK: Urban Tree Challenge Fund.

Urban Tree Challenge Fund: A Case Study