
DSIT statistical public engagement and data standards

Published 14 December 2023

1. Introduction

The Department for Science, Innovation and Technology (DSIT) provides National Statistics and official statistics in line with practices recommended in the Code of Practice for Statistics. This statement sets out the department’s commitments on public engagement (T4.1) and data standards (T6.1 and T6.4) as outlined by the code.

2. Public engagement 

The department’s approach to public engagement can be divided into the following sections:

2.1 Access to statistics

Routinely produced statistics are available free of charge from the Research and Statistics page on the GOV.UK website. DSIT will generally announce the month of release of these statistics 12 months in advance and the exact date 4 weeks in advance. All published statistics are published at 9:30am on the scheduled day unless otherwise announced.

DSIT is committed to making its statistical outputs accessible to all users and further details are available with the accessibility statement for DSIT statistics.

In line with legislation, DSIT will provide a specific statistical publication in a different format if requested. If you require a document in an alternative format such as audio, braille or large print, contact the responsible statistician using the contact email addresses and telephone numbers included within the statistical release or provided on the accompanying statistical press release. Other enquiries regarding the contents of a specific release should be addressed to the responsible statistician for that release.

Media enquiries regarding the contents of a specific release should be directed to the DSIT press office.

Enquiries made under the Freedom of Information (FOI) Act should be addressed to the department’s FOI team:

Freedom of Information requests

Information Rights and Records Unit
Department for Science, Innovation and Technology

1 Victoria Street
United Kingdom


Further details on how to make an FOI request can be found on the DSIT homepage on GOV.UK.

2.2 Consultations

DSIT ensures that on key developments to our statistics, there are transparent and clear processes allowing for views from both internal and external customers.

The decision to consult with users is solely on the authority of DSIT’s Chief Statistician. DSIT will undertake consultations when the department wishes to make:

  • significant changes to the content of publications
  • significant changes to the method of publication
  • major methodological changes to the production of statistics
  • significant changes to how the department publishes its statistics (e.g. the merging of several related publications into a single publication)

DSIT will provide a summary of all user responses to each consultation and the rationale for these decisions.

The primary vehicles for consultations on DSIT statistics will be the statistical pages and the consultations section of GOV.UK. Information on consultations, updates to the publication schedule, and changes to departmental policies and procedures will be publicised here.

In addition to formal consultations, DSIT will seek views through the statistical pages of GOV.UK or in its regular publications with regards to more modest or technical changes.

2.3 Understanding customer needs

The content of the department’s statistics and the supporting information provide will be informed by an understanding of customers’ needs.

DSIT will ensure that all statistics and research produced by the department follow the core principles set out in the Government Analysis Function User Engagement Strategy. DSIT will also follow best practice in the chosen methods for engagement, as set out by the associated guidance. DSIT will look to deliver effective user engagement through achieving the three main goals of the strategy: 

  • collaboration: teams in DSIT work together to identify common users and understand their needs across the DSIT portfolio 
  • capability: DSIT will enable producers of statistics are aware of the relevant guidance and resources to ensure a comprehensive and quality approach to delivering user engagement activities  
  • culture: DSIT will embed the principle of user engagement into statistical and research work, as a priority

DSIT will help customers and users to understand products by publishing or referring to supporting, background or educational information and material. DSIT makes it easy to identify which products have been branded as ‘National Statistics’ by marking them with the National Statistics logo.

DSIT also recognises that customers will have different needs and seek to establish ways of engaging with all user personas:

  • expert analysts
  • information foragers
  • inquiring citizens

2.4 Service standards

DSIT staff will be polite, helpful and readily identify themselves. The department will make every reasonable effort to ensure that customers are provided with information that is timely, relevant and accurate. DSIT aims to respond to written external correspondence within 20 working days of receipt, although it will usually be less.

The response will either be an answer to the issue raised, or a notification that the correspondence is being dealt with. The holding reply will either contain a date by which the department intends to provide a full response or a date by when the department will contact you with a progress update.

If you have a concern about the quality of the department’s service and you cannot resolve the problem with the person you have been dealing with, you can make a formal complaint. Please follow the complaints procedure below.

2.5 Complaints procedure

If for any reason you feel that the service you receive from DSIT has fallen below the standards you expect or has not lived up to the statements made in the departmental policies and procedures, then please let the department know.

On receipt of a complaint DSIT will:

  • regard it seriously
  • treat it in confidence
  • deal with it independently and without favour
  • resolve it promptly, and informally whenever possible
  • find a remedy wherever possible
  • learn from it to improve departmental services

Your complaint should initially be addressed to the person you have been dealing with.

To escalate your complaint, please address it to the Chief Statistician at the Department for Science, Innovation and Technology. You can make your complaint in writing, by phone, or email. Please provide as much relevant information as possible so that the department can deal with your case promptly.

Chief Statistician:

Jessie Evans
Department for Science, Innovation and Technology
100 Parliament Street


Telephone: 020 7215 6504

If you are still not satisfied, and the issue relates to the Code of Practice for Statistics, then you can refer your complaint to the UK Statistics Authority: 

Authority Enquiries 
UK Statistics Authority
Fry Building 
1st Floor, 2 Marsham Street 


3. Data standards

Each statistical dataset maintained by DSIT from which National Statistics outputs are produced will have a specified data manager. Their role is to ensure that the department manages its data resources in accordance with the best practice principles and standards set out in the Code of Practice for Statistics and its supporting Protocols; with the department’s other corporate standards and procedures; and in accordance with the department’s statutory obligations. 

DSIT adheres to the requirements of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) in the processing of personal data. All data sharing agreements, service level agreements, and procurements follow standard departmental procedures to ensure compliance with GDPR Personal data is retained for the minimum period required and disposed of in a secure and responsible manner.

All staff working in DSIT and all visitors to its sites require a pass to access the premises. This pass must be worn at all times. There is no public access to any part of the organisation where confidential statistical data may be held. Information is classified according to standard government security classifications and managed according to its sensitivity, value, and criticality. Staff regularly monitor and review information security arrangements to ensure that policy, standards and procedures remain relevant and effective. 

Mechanisms used to transmit micro-data will be appropriate to the sensitivity of the data and its classifications and will be encrypted as necessary. Where micro-data is owned by a department or organisation other than DSIT, arrangements for access are in accordance with the service level agreements, contracts or other confidentiality agreements between DSIT and the data owners. Access to micro-data collected and owned by DSIT is determined by the guarantees given to the data suppliers or contributors and is in accordance with statistical legislation covering the collection of these data or with the appropriate principles for the collection and use of administrative data. 

DSIT will place the minimum load necessary on data providers.