
Gwiriadau cydymffurfio: dull amgen o ddatrys anghydfod — CC/FS21

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Updates to this page

Cyhoeddwyd ar 14 October 2014
Diweddarwyd ddiwethaf ar 8 March 2024 + show all updates
  1. A new version of the CC/FS21 factsheet has been added.

  2. We have updated the factsheet with more information on the ADR process and clarification of how the policy can help customers resolve disputes.

  3. The 'If you need help' section of the factsheet has been updated with details of the extra support HMRC can give.

  4. The English and Welsh versions of the CC/FS21 factsheet have been updated.

  5. The factsheet has been updated with legislative and policy changes.

  6. This factsheet has been updated for customers who need extra support

  7. The Welsh version of the 'Compliance checks: alternative dispute resolution - CC/FS21' factsheet has been updated.

  8. A Welsh version of this page has been added.

  9. CC/FS21 factsheet has been updated.

  10. CC/FS21 factsheet has been updated.

  11. First published.

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