
Child maintenance: moving cases from the 1993 scheme to the 2003 scheme: leaflet

Why the Child Support Agency (CSA) sometimes moves cases from the 1993 scheme to the 2003 scheme and how they work out child maintenance.

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Child Support Agency cases no longer exist. Find out how the Child Maintenance Service works out child maintenance.



The Child Support Agency (CSA) introduced a new child maintenance scheme from 3 March 2003, known as the ‘2003 scheme’. This replaced the ‘1993 scheme’ that ran between 5 April 1993 and 2 March 2003

This leaflet explains why the CSA sometimes moves cases from the 1993 scheme to the 2003 scheme and how they work out child maintenance using the rules of the 2003 scheme. It also explains how the change may affect the amount of child maintenance someone pays or receives and any payment arrangements.

Published 1 June 2011