
Access to scripts: guide to the data submission process

Updated 27 October 2023

Applies to England


In order to fulfil our regulatory and accreditation functions as set out in the Apprenticeships, Skills, Children and Learning Act 2009, we require awarding organisations to provide exams delivery data for regulated qualifications.

What data will be collected?

Access to scripts data, will be collected for GCSE, GCSE linear, GCSE full course, GCSE short course, AS, A-level and Advanced Extension Award (AEA).

When will data be collected?

Data will be collected according to the reporting schedule which is agreed and maintained by Ofqual’s data services team.

General completion guidelines

  • numeric values must not have any formatting
  • this template is intended to capture requests made for access to scripts which may be used to inform decision on requesting reviews of marking. It is not intended to collect script requests for teaching and learning purposes

File format

The file must be CSV format and the first row must be headers as displayed in the ‘Name’ column of the table below. The subsequent rows must have the values of the data to be reported which must match the format and validation rules below.

Name Description Position Validation Regular Expression Description of Regular Expression
ExamSeries Exam series data relates to, for example, June 2020 1 ^(January|June|March|November)([ ][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9])$ Full month name of exam series and year.
ReportingDate Date the file was due to be submitted regardless of when it was actually uploaded. Format accepted 120 ODBC canonical yyyy-mm-dd. 2 ^(20)\d\d[-](0[1-9]|1[012])[-](0[1-9]|[12][0-9]|3[01])$ The date in the following format: year (four digits), a dash, month (two digits), a dash, day (two digits).
AwardingOrganisation Name of the awarding organisation 3 ^.{1,100}$ One, to one hundred characters accepted
CentreNo Centre number (NCN) 4 ^d{1,5}$ Up to five digit integer accepted
UniqueCandidateIdentifier Unique Candidate Identifier (UCI) 5 ^.{1,13}$ Alpha numeric 13 characters accepted
QualificationLevel Level of qualification, for example, GCSE 6 ^(GCSE|GCSE linear|GCSE short course|GCSE full course|AS|A level|A-level|App A Level Dbl|App A Level Sgl|App AS Dbl|App AS Sgl|AEA)$ One of the following list: GCSE, GCSE linear, GCSE short course, GCSE full course, AS, A level, App A Level Dbl, App A Level Sgl, App AS Dbl, App AS Sgl, AEA.
QAN Qualification Accreditation Number, for example, 123/1234/1 7 ^.{1,10}$ One, to ten characters accepted.

-2 accepted if unknown, for example, cases where candidate is not certificating
SpecificationTitle Specification title also known as subject title 8 ^.{1,150}$ One, to one hundred and fifty characters accepted

Not Certificating also accepted
SpecificationCode Specification code also known as Subject Award Code and Cash-in Code 9 ^.{1,7}$ One, to seven characters accepted

-2 also accepted
UnitCode Unit code 10 ^.{1,10}$ One, to ten characters accepted
UnitTitle Unit title 11 ^.{1,150}$ One, to one hundred and fifty characters accepted
DateScriptRequested Date script requested 12 ^(20)\d\d[-](0[1-9]|1[012])[-](0[1-9]|[12][0-9]|3[01])$ The date in the following format: year (four digits), a dash, month (two digits), a dash, day (two digits).
DateScriptProvided Date script provided 13 ^(20)\d\d[-](0[1-9]|1[012])[-](0[1-9]|[12][0-9]|3[01])$ The date in the following format: year (four digits), a dash, month (two digits), a dash, day (two digits).

2999-12-31 accepted where script not provided
Outcome Script request decision 14 ^(Accepted|Rejected)$ One of the following: Accepted, Rejected.
ReasonForRejection Reason request rejected 15 ^( Not applicable|Script lost|Other reasons)$ One of the following list: Not applicable, Script lost, Other reasons


For all queries relating to the data collection process, amendments to data previously provided, or for general guidance. please contact:

Data services

2nd floor, 1 Friargate
Station Square