
NHS abdominal aortic aneurysm (AAA) screening programme: care pathway

Updated 16 June 2021

Applies to England

This flowchart describes the screening pathway for the NHS abdominal aortic aneurysm (AAA) screening programme.

1. Invite eligible man for screening in his 65th year

Go to step 2.

2. Does man attend?

Yes: Carry out ultrasound scan in AAA screening clinic. Go to step 4.

No: Reinvite for screening. Go to step 3.

3. Does man attend 2nd appointment?

Yes: Carry out ultrasound scan in AAA screening clinic. Go to step 4.

No: Non-attendance. End of pathway.

4. Can aorta be visualised?

Yes: Go to step 7.

No: Go to step 5.

5. Repeat scan in AAA screening clinic?

Yes: Carry out ultrasound scan in AAA screening clinic. Go to step 4.

No: Go to step 6.

6. Request scan from medical imaging?

Yes: Scan carried out in medical imaging or vascular lab. Go to step 7.

No: Refer to local programme director. End of pathway.

7. Aorta <3.0cm diameter?

Yes: No further scans required. End of pathway.

No: Go to step 8.

8. Aorta 3.0cm to 4.4cm diameter (small AAA)?

Yes: Repeat ultrasound scan in surveillance in 12 months. End of pathway.

No: Go to step 9.

9. Aorta 4.5cm to 5.4cm diameter (medium AAA)?

Yes: Repeat ultrasound scan in surveillance in 3 months. End of pathway.

No: Large AAA result: refer to vascular surgeon. End of pathway.