Publication scheme

The Freedom of Information Act (FOI) requires all public authorities to produce a Publication Scheme, which explains the types of information they publish or plan to publish.

What you can request

You can request any recorded information held by the agency.

The FOIA does not apply to Official Receivers when exercising their statutory functions under insolvency law. In these circumstances they are officers of the court, and not public authorities as defined by FOIA nor are they one of the listed public authorities in schedule 1 of FOIA. The Official Receiver is therefore not obliged to respond to FOI requests.

You can request copies of your own personal data under data protection legislation by making a Subject Access Request.

Publications Scheme

Who we are and what we do

Details of our organisational structure and responsibilities can be found in our annual report. Details of our processes, objectives and targets can be found in our annual plan.

What we spend and how we spend it

Details of the department’s resource allocation and how that money is spent, including details of our major capital expenditure, contract spend, Board members’ remuneration and allowances can be found in our annual report.

What our priorities are and how we are doing

Details of our published targets, our strategic plans and performance against those plans can be found in our annual report.

How we make decisions

We publish details of our major policy proposals, the thinking behind these and the consultation processes we establish.

Our policies and procedures

We publish a range of information on policies and procedures in our annual report and annual plan.

Lists and registers

You can search the bankruptcy and insolvency register.

The insolvency practitioner (IP) rota is used in the distribution of insolvency cases by the official receiver.

The Insolvency Service publishes official statistics

The services we offer

Details of our key roles and responsibilities can be found in our annual report. Further information is available on our website.

Where you can get the information

The publications scheme information is available free of charge via our website. If you would like any of these documents in other formats, want more information or wish to make a complaint about how we have handled a request email us at:

Or write to:

Information Rights Team
3rd Floor
Cannon House
18 Priory Queensway
B4 6FD

Make an FOI request to the Insolvency Service

  1. Read about the Freedom of Information (FOI) Act and how to make a request
  2. Make a new request by emailing us at:

Or write to:

Information Rights Team
3rd Floor
Cannon House
18 Priory Queensway
B4 6FD

Environmental information regulations

You can request environmental information. Further details about the regulations about environmental information can be found on the Information Commissioner’s website. To make a request for environmental information under the regulations please contact

If you would like to make your request verbally, contact the Insolvency Service helpline on 0300 678 0015