Press release

UK Minister condemns renewed fighting in Yemen

Foreign Office Minister Tobias Ellwood calls for implementation of ceasefire and return to political process in Sana’a.

This was published under the 2010 to 2015 Conservative and Liberal Democrat coalition government

In response to the fighting in Sana’a, Minister for the Middle East Tobias Ellwood said:

I am deeply concerned about the situation in Yemen. I urge all parties to step back from conflict in Sana’a, Marib and other parts of the country and ensure a ceasefire holds. Those who use violence and the threat of violence and use others to promote violence to dictate Yemen’s future are undermining the security of all Yemen’s citizens and eroding the progress made since 2011 to set Yemen on a new course.

The UK remains committed to supporting President Hadi, his government and the integrity of the Yemeni state. I encourage all parties to peacefully work together to implement and enforce a ceasefire and return to dialogue within the framework of the GCC Initiative, National Dialogue Outcomes and the Peace and National Partnership Agreement. In this context, I call on all parties to work through the National Body to rapidly agree a new constitution, taking into account the National Dialogue Outcomes and the results of the public consultation.

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Published 20 January 2015