World news story

UK delegation urges Polish businesses to get ready for Brexit

With less than 20 days left to make necessary preparations for a possible no-deal Brexit, industry events in Warsaw and in Katowice have urged Polish businesses to get ready for trade after Brexit.

This was published under the 2019 to 2022 Johnson Conservative government
Get ready for Brexit

Get ready for Brexit

The UK is reaching out to businesses in the EU through 30 industry events to provide advice and information to traders, logistics managers, transporters, exporters, importers and their agents about the steps they need to take to prepare for continuing trade with the UK in the event of Brexit without a deal.

The UK Government’s priority is to make sure that the borders remain secure, while ensuring that new controls and processes do not interrupt flow of goods. This is so EU member states and the UK can continue to trade easily after Brexit. Whilst the UK is making all the necessary preparations for Brexit on 31 October, there are also steps that businesses within the EU need to take to ensure they are properly prepared.

In industry events in Warsaw and in Katowice, a UK delegation will outline the changes to border processes and explain the actions that Polish businesses need to take to remain compliant with UK and EU requirements. It is crucial that both EU and UK traders understand what they need to do to continue trading between the EU and the UK after Brexit, with or without a deal.

The actions that Polish businesses need to take to continue trading with the UK are:

  • register for an EORI number with your home country’s customs authority in order to move goods between the UK and EU. This will be valid in all EU member states
  • ensure that you are aware of your domestic customs processes
  • speak to your UK supplier/customer to check who will be responsible for customs processes in the UK. In most cases it will be your UK supplier/customer

To help hauliers and traders in the EU further, the UK Government is setting up around 50 information pop-up sites in EU locations for drivers.

The stands will provide advice to hauliers on the documentation they require for themselves, their vehicle and the goods they are transporting. The objective is to ensure they are prepared for Brexit so that goods can continue to flow smoothly across borders. Information leaflets, guidance handbooks and pocket guides will also be available for hauliers to take away.

These pop-ups sites will be located at service stations, ports and on ferries to make sure advice to get ready for the border is easily accessible.

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Published 14 October 2019