Press release

Stephen Crabb: “Economic recovery continues to benefit Wales”

Unemployment in Wales has fallen by 3,000 over the last quarter, official figures published today (15 October) show.

This was published under the 2010 to 2015 Conservative and Liberal Democrat coalition government
Picture of people walking

Within the last year the total number of unemployed people within Wales has fallen by 27,000 - further proof that unemployment is on a continuing downward trend in Wales.

Youth unemployment is following this trend, falling by 300 in September and by almost a third over the last year. The number of people claiming Jobseeker’s Allowance in Wales has also fallen by 1,100 - the 19th consecutive monthly fall in Wales. Overall, employment is down 12,000 in the last quarter.

Secretary of State for Wales Stephen Crabb said:

These figures are further proof that the economic recovery continues to benefit Wales. It shows that our commitment to creating more jobs and policies to get people into work are helping Welsh job seekers - but the fluctuations in the employment rate show why we must continue to press ahead with our welfare reforms.

Next month’s Investment Summit will showcase Wales as an ideal environment for trade and investment, supporting our long term economic plan by helping to boost growth and job creation within Wales.

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Published 15 October 2014