Save lives: Clean your hands
New cases of MRSA bloodstream infection have dropped by 41 % and C. difficile by 30% across the NHS in England since 2009/10. The decrease …

New cases of MRSA bloodstream infection have dropped by 41 % and C. difficile by 30% across the NHS in England since 2009/10.
The decrease in MRSA and C. difficile has been achieved thanks to good clinical practice including improved hand hygiene in NHS trusts across the country, helping to prevent healthcare associated infections by providing a clean and safe environment to patients.
The annual World Health Organization (WHO) awareness day, on 5 May, acts as a valuable reminder of how vital good hand hygiene is in the fight against healthcare associated infections.
Good hand hygiene is essential to prevent avoidable healthcare associated infections and the WHO audit tool can help identify ways to improve performance.
Healthcare providers can also register with WHO SAVE LIVES: Clean Your Hands to show their commitment to hand hygiene and have the opportunity to share experiences on this important issue.