Press release

Regulator seeks public’s views on digital services

New customer survey launched to help shape the Commission’s digital future.

This news article was withdrawn on

No longer current. The survey is now closed.

The Charity Commission, the independent regulator of charities in England and Wales, has today launched a new customer survey about its digital services.

The Commission’s digital vision is to protect the integrity of the register of charities and public confidence in charities by providing customers with simple and easy to use services, as well as collecting data to enable it to regulate effectively, and exploiting new and more effective forms of communication to reach trustees.

The Commission recognises the importance of the public’s opinions and user feedback in achieving these goals and is encouraging users to voice their thoughts on the Commission’s digital services by completing the short survey now available online. The Commission is looking for input on what it can do to improve the range and quality of its current digital offering and changes or additions that would improve the overall user experience.

The survey will stay open for 6 weeks, closing at 5pm on Wednesday 18 January. It includes questions on users’ priorities when speaking with the Commission and their preferred methods of communication. Responses will be analysed and used to help shape the Commission’s future digital communication tools and projects.

This is part of a wider programme of work on user engagement and research. The Commission will be hosting 2 user workshops about its digital services in London on 8 December and in Birmingham on 14 December. If you are interested in taking part in user testing or attending future workshops please email

Jane Adderley, Head of First Contact at the Charity Commission said:

Moving to digital brings a number of benefits including greater ability for charities to self-serve, the delivery of tailored content, and a faster service when charities do need to contact us. User feedback and input is very valuable as we continue on our digital transformation journey and this survey will be a key tool to help us understand customers’ needs and preferences going forward.

We also recognise that not everyone has access to online services or the necessary skills to engage with us digitally and are undertaking further work in this area to ensure trustees are supported in the move to a more digital future.

Complete the full survey.


PR 83/16

Notes to editors

  1. The Charity Commission is the independent regulator of charities in England and Wales. To find out more about our work, see our annual report.
  2. Search for charities on our online register.

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Published 7 December 2016