Press release

Passover 2016: David Cameron's message

Prime Minister: "I’m delighted to send my sincerest good wishes, and my hope that you’ll enjoy a happy and peaceful Passover."

This was published under the 2015 to 2016 Cameron Conservative government

Prime Minister David Cameron said:

As you gather with your families for the start of Pesach, I’m delighted to send my sincerest good wishes, and my hope that you’ll enjoy a happy and peaceful Passover.

This is, in particular, a time for family – a time when the youngest child asks the 4 questions, before parents, grandparents, aunts and uncles retell the story of the exodus from Egypt, and the transition from slavery to freedom.

This transition from slavery gave the Children of Israel the freedom to serve God. Over generations, I believe that’s what we’ve built in Britain – a successful multi-racial, multi-faith democracy, where people are free to follow their faith and practise their rituals.

As Jewish communities unite to celebrate the festival of Passover, our thoughts will turn to the increasing number of abhorrent anti-Semitic attacks over the past year. Jewish communities, wherever in the world they are, must not be left to live in fear. Sadly, even here in the UK, we still see cases of anti-Semitic abuse. I am determined to do everything in my power to stamp it out. Part of that is remembering the horror of the Holocaust, because to ignore history is to risk repeating it.

Day in, day out, the Jewish community proves that you’re a true British success story, excelling in every field and working constantly to build a fairer society for everyone.

So once again, let me wish you and your family a Chag Kasher V’Sameach.

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Published 22 April 2016