News story

Ofsted launches point-in-time surveys

Ofsted has sent surveys to social care providers to find out about the experiences of the children, parents, staff and professionals involved.

Four teenagers sitting on a bench talking together

Ofsted has today (Monday 29 April) issued its annual point-in-time online surveys for the following social care providers:

  • residential special schools
  • further education colleges with residential provision
  • children’s homes (includes secure children’s homes)
  • fostering agencies (includes independent fostering agencies and local authority fostering agencies)
  • adoption agencies (includes voluntary adoption agencies and local authority adoption agencies)
  • adoption support agencies
  • residential family centres
  • boarding schools

We highly value the responses we receive. They help to both inform future inspections and build a national picture of people’s experiences with their respective providers.

All surveys will close on Sunday 9 June.

If you’re a social care provider

Ofsted has sent online survey links to all relevant registered managers and responsible individuals/nominated persons. Please look at our guidance for providers for more information.

Please email if you need copies in Word.

How to complete the survey

Ask your school, college, agency or centre for a link to the survey.

Alternatively, if you want to give your views, you can call Ofsted on 0300 123 1231 or email

Social care questionnaires 2019: what children and young people told Ofsted

The results of the annual point in time surveys are now available.

Updates to this page

Published 19 June 2017
Last updated 1 November 2019 + show all updates
  1. Added a link to the results of the 2019 survey.

  2. Ofsted has sent out annual social care point-in-time surveys.

  3. Launch of Ofsted's 2018 surveys for boarding schools.

  4. Launch of Ofsted's 2018 surveys for children’s homes, adoption and fostering services, and residential family centres.

  5. Launch of Ofsted's 2018 surveys for residential special schools and further education colleges with residential provision.

  6. First published.