World news story

Graham Stuart to promote UK Trade and Investment in New Zealand

Minister Stuart will give a keynote address at New Zealand’s largest yearly infrastructure conference.

This was published under the 2016 to 2019 May Conservative government
Minster Stuart and British High Commissioner to New Zealand Laura Clarke

Minster Stuart and British High Commissioner to New Zealand Laura Clarke

UK Investment Minister Graham Stuart is in New Zealand this week to promote UK-New Zealand investment and trade links as the UK prepares to forge its way in the world after it exits the EU.

Minister Stuart will be giving a keynote address at Building Nations, New Zealand’s largest yearly infrastructure conference in Auckland.

Mr Stuart said:

“As we embark on a new era for Global Britain this is an important opportunity to promote the UK overseas. The announcement by Dr Liam Fox of a public consultation on a New Zealand free trade deal was a vital step forward in our relationship as the UK leaves the EU.”

“I’m pleased to be in New Zealand talking about vital contributions which UK infrastructure firms are making to major development projects across New Zealand, from Auckland’s City Rail Link, to redevelopment of the city’s airport and ambitious urban regeneration projects. British companies will quite literally help build New Zealand’s future.”

High Commissioner Laura Clarke said:

“Minister Stuart’s visit comes at an exciting time in New Zealand-UK relations. We are pleased to be welcoming so many high level visitors in such a short space of time. These visits demonstrate that, despite the distance, New Zealand remains a vital relationship for the UK as we negotiate our EU Exit.”

UK exports to New Zealand were worth £1.5 billion in 2017, a 10% increase on the previous year.

Mr Stuart also attended a roundtable of key trade and investment stakeholders hosted by Deloitte.

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Published 16 August 2018