Press release

Foreign Secretary visits Georgia

The Foreign Secretary Philip Hammond is visiting Georgia today (30 March) to meet with Prime Minister Kvirikashvili and show support for Georgia and its Euro-Atlantic aspirations.

This was published under the 2015 to 2016 Cameron Conservative government

During his visit, the Foreign Secretary will have talks with the Prime Minister, members of the Georgian government and the Speaker of the Georgian Parliament. He will attend the Young Politicians Forum that will bring together future leaders from the South Caucasus region. The Foreign Secretary will then visit BP operated South Caucasus Pipeline expansion activities which, along with the Shah Deniz 2 project, are bringing investment of £20bn to the region.

Speaking ahead of the visit, Foreign Secretary Philip Hammond said:

The UK is committed to Georgia as a valued international security partner and democratic role model in the region. The bilateral relationship is strong and we welcome their progress in implementing economic and political reforms as they aspire towards closer relations with the EU and NATO.

We have not forgotten that the conflicts in Abkhazia and South Ossetia remain unresolved. The UK is committed to supporting Georgia’s independence and territorial integrity. The UK has always been clear that countries like Georgia should be able to make their own sovereign choices about their futures, free from outside interference.

2016 marks the 25th year of Georgia’s independence. We hope and expect that elections in October will exemplify all the democratic progress that has been achieved in the years since independence.

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Published 30 March 2016