Press release

Foreign Secretary statement on United Nations chemical weapons report

Foreign Secretary Boris Johnson comments on the submission of the UN-OPCW Joint Investigative Mechanism report on chemicals weapons in Syria.

This was published under the 2016 to 2019 May Conservative government

Foreign Secretary Boris Johnson said:

This UN report confirms for the first time what we have long believed: the Assad regime has been responsible for the use of chemical weapons in at least 2 attacks in Syria. There has been a clear pattern across many reports showing the use of helicopters and barrel bombs as delivery methods, attacking opposition-held areas with civilians the overwhelming majority of victims.

Chemical weapons inflict excruciating pain and suffering. The Assad regime’s indiscriminate and sustained use of them against their own people, including children, is horrific and must stop. Those responsible must be held to account.

The report also identifies Daesh as a perpetrator. The Global Coalition is making progress in defeating Daesh and the UK will continue to play a leading role.

The UK and our international partners will work hard to secure a UN resolution to condemn those in Syria for using chemical weapons, to reinforce our commitment to punish those responsible and to prevent any further use.

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Published 25 August 2016