Press release

Foreign Secretary statement on the 4th anniversary of MH17

The Foreign Secretary remembers those who died in the attack on flight MH17 and supports the call on the Russian Federation to accept state responsibility.

This was published under the 2016 to 2019 May Conservative government

On the 4th anniversary of the shooting down of MH17, the Foreign Secretary remembers those who died in the attack and calls for the Russian Federation to account for its role in this crime.

Foreign Secretary Jeremy Hunt said:

Today is the 4th anniversary of the day 298 people, including 10 British nationals, tragically lost their lives when Malaysia Airlines flight 17 was shot down as it flew a commercial route between Amsterdam and Kuala Lumpur. I would like to offer my deepest condolences to the families and friends of all those who died. Your loved ones, who were killed in such horrific and shocking circumstances, deserve justice.

Thanks to the painstaking work of the Joint Investigation Team over the past 4 years, we now know that MH17 was shot down by a Russian Buk-type missile, belonging to the 53rd Anti-Aircraft Military Brigade of the Russian army which was launched from an area held by Russian-backed separatists in eastern Ukraine. This is another example of the Russian Federation’s disregard for human life and the rules based international system and Russia must answer for its actions.

The UK fully supports Australia and the Netherlands in their call on the Russian Federation to accept state responsibility, and to cooperate with them in their efforts to deliver justice for the victims of this tragedy. The UK will continue to fully support the work of the Joint Investigation Team and the UK calls on the Russian Federation to cooperate fully with investigation and to provide any assistance it requests in accordance with UN Security Council resolution 2166. It is vital this investigation leads to a prosecution and that those responsible are held accountable for this appalling crime.

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Published 17 July 2018