Press release

Foreign Secretary statement on plans for a new settlement in the West Bank

Foreign Secretary Boris Johnson condemns Israeli government’s decision to found a new settlement deep in the West Bank.

This was published under the 2016 to 2019 May Conservative government

Foreign Secretary Boris Johnson said:

The UK strongly condemns the Israeli government’s decision to found a new settlement deep in the West Bank; the first such government decision for over 25 years. I am also disappointed that Israel plans to expropriate additional West Bank territory as ‘state land’, and press forward with plans for almost 2,000 housing units in spite of significant international concern.

These announcements are contrary to international law and seriously undermine the prospects of two states for two peoples. As a strong friend of Israel, and one prepared to stand up for Israel when it faces bias and unreasonable criticism, I urge Israel not to take steps such as these, which move us away from our shared goal of peace and security and make it harder to achieve a different relationship between Israel and the Arab world.

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Published 31 March 2017