Press release

FCO Minister Tobias Ellwood condemns terrorist attack in Jameela Market, Baghdad

Minister for the Middle East saddened to hear of the significant loss of life following a terror attack in Baghdad

This was published under the 2015 to 2016 Cameron Conservative government

In the early hours of this morning terrorists targeted innocent civilians at the Jameela market in Sadr City, Iraq killing and injuring many people. The Minister for the Middle East and North Africa strongly condemns this awful attack.

Speaking today, Mr Ellwood said:

I am saddened to hear of the significant loss of life in a crowded market in Baghdad this morning, following a terrorist attack claimed by ISIL. These barbaric criminals have once again targeted a civilian area full of innocent people. My thoughts are with the families and friends of the innocent victims caught up in this attack.

The UK continues to support the efforts of the Government and the people of Iraq fight against violent extremism taking place in Iraq.

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Published 13 August 2015